Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kasp Personal Security System

KASP Personal Alarm

In light of what is happening in today’s world a little personal protection is a good thing.  So when I was offered the opportunity to review this one I jumped at the chance.  Although I did have to wait until I came back from vacation before I was fully able to look at it and investigate all of it’s different little facets.  Like the light feature, I thought I had to hold the button in for the light to work, nope just click it once and it’s on until you turn it off. 

  It has a nice little band on it that you can hold around 3-4 fingers while you’re walking to and from your car or just want it to be in your hands and ready for use.  It also has a nice key ring type attachment to it that you can easily hook onto your key ring or to a ring on the side of your purse.  That way it’s within reach but not cluttering up your hands.  

Then attached to this key ring attachment is the pin that goes into the device that when removed causes the alarm to go off.  While it is loud enough to cause a commotion when I tried it out no one rushed to my aid.  But this was on my own porch and in my own neighborhood.  To make the alarm quit alarming you simply put the pin back into place.  And you’re ready for the next time.  I like the extra layer of protection this device adds while I’m out and about. 

**Note:  I tested my alarm a second time during the day time and a neighbor rushed out to see what was going on.

I received this product for free.   In no way am I obligated to give a review, positive or otherwise.  I value customer reviews when deciding whether to purchase a product and therefore will post my honest opinion whether it be good or bad.  If it's good I'll tell you.  If it's bad I'll tell you.  I will tell you all about my experience while testing/using/reviewing this product.

If you would like to purchase your own Kasp Personal Alarm System you may do so on Amazon here.

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